Business Assessments, Exit Strategies, M&A Services


iStock_000033143016_SmallThe Healthcare IT industry has traditionally been a dynamic market. Companies grow, technologies change, government mandates occur and businesses are forced to make hard decisions.

If you are looking to explore future business directions for your company, curious about the value of your organization, looking to explore exit strategies and/or potentially sell your company, Healthcare EDI Partners is here to help.  Our team has over 20 years experience working hand-in-hand with nationwide Practice Management System vendors, EMR/EHR system vendors, and clearinghouses.

We know the market, we know the players and we understand where your company fits into the broad picture.  No two businesses are exactly alike. Help us understand your organization to build a specific future plan together.


2625 Piedmont Rd NE, Suite 56-317, Atlanta, GA 30324